When While Dalam Past Progressive Tense
English Corner

When While Dalam Past Progressive Tense

When While Dalam Past Progressive Tense, judul nya memang mudah dimengerti. Yang pasti bukan kalimat sederhana atau tunggal, tapi sebagai kalimat majemuk bertingkat. When atau While disini berfungsi sebagai penanda sub clause(anak kalimat). Dalam kalimat majemuk bertingkat, kalau mau mengubah menjadi kalimat negatif atau pertanyaan(interrogative) yang diubah induk kalimatnya(main clause). Mari kita bedah satu persatu.

Click on this video to understand it

Using ‘When’ in sentences:
1. I was driving home yesterday when I ran over broken glass. (Saya sedang mengendarai pulang kemaren ketika saya melindas pecahan kaca)
2. I was driving when I got a flat tire.(Saya sedang mengendarai ketika saya mendapatkan ban mobil kempes)
3. What were you doing when the phone rang?(Apa yang sedang kamu kerjakan ketika tilpon berdering)
4. He was taking a bath when the phone rang.(Ia sedang mandi ketika tilpon berdering)
5. What exactly were you doing when it crashed?(Sebenarnya kamu sedang melakukan apa ketika terjadi tabrakan?)

I was driving yesterday when I ran over broken glass (kalimat positif)

I was driving yesterday adalah  Main clause (induk kalimat)

when I ran over broken glass adalah sub clause (anak kalimat)

I was not driving yesterday when I ran over broken glass( saya tidak sedang mengendarai kemaren ketika saya melindas pecahan kaca) ( kalimat negatif)

Was I driving yesterday when I ran over broken glass? (Apakah saya sedang mengendarai kemaren ketika saya melindas pecahan kaca?)( kalimat tanya)

To Be: Was, Were

Subyek I, He, She, It ——-was

Subyek you, we, they ——–were

Using ‘While” in sentences:
1. I was trying to call you while I was waiting for a towing service.(Saya sedang mencoba menelponmu sementara saya sedang menunggu layanan derek)
2. I was listening to music while I was eating dinner.(Saya sedang mendengarkan musik sementara itu saya sedang makan malam)
3. I got a flat tire while I was driving.( Ban saya kempes sementara itu saya sedang menyopir)
4. What were you doing while you were flying to Europe?(Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan sementara kamu sedang terbang ke Eropa?)
5. What happened while you were sleeping?(Apa yang terjadi sementara kamu sedang tidur?)
6. A burglar broke into my house while I was sleeping.
7. Mike walked into the toilet while you were using it.
8. My computer crashed while I was working.
9. You shouldn’t have moved the computer while you were using it.

The conclusions are:

When” is used in front of short action. (When digunakan didepan past progressive tense/long action)

The structure is : (long action) when (short action). With short actions, we use the past simple, and with
long action, we use the past progressive. Example: I was driving when I got a flat tire.

“While” is used in front of long action.(While digunakan didepan past progressive tense/long action). We can have two long actions in one sentence.

Structure 1 : (Long action) while (long action). With long actions, we use the past progressive. Example: I was listening to music while I was eating dinner.

Structure 2 : (Short action) while (long action). With short actions, we use the past simple, and with long
action, we use the past progressive. Example: I got a flat tire while I was driving.

Nah sekarang sudah dapat menggunakan When While Dalam Past Progressive Tense, dalam kalimat atau percakapan.

Keep studying, good luck

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